Note: Dr David Horgan has now retired and is no longer on the register of medical practitioners.

  • Normal Vs Excessive Levels of Anxiety

    Normal Anxiety: Getting anxious or nervous is a normal protective reflex in situations where we feel uncomfortable or frightened.  It is an automated warning from our brain that we are changing our behaviour or doing something new, or something which possibly has some risks attached to it.  Adrenalin starts to flow, which actually makes our…

  • 11 Tips to Reduce Anxiety And Worrying:

    1. Practice relaxation techniques For mild and sometimes moderately severe anxiety, learning various relaxation techniques counteracts the symptoms of anxiety.  This may involve learning simple muscle relaxation exercises, learning Yoga, learning meditation, learning Tai Chi or learning self-hypnosis.  These are useful skills, and you may need to find one that suits you.  Also, they do…

  • The 6 Principles of Assertiveness

    About Assertiveness: Too little or too much assertiveness causes problems in multiple areas of a person’s life.   Learning to be assertive / confident is a skill everybody needs sooner or later, and learning the necessary steps early on makes life much easier.   People who are assertive get treated better by others, and feel more sense…

  • 5 Approaches to Improving Your Relationship

    A good relationship, in which you can talk to your partner about anything and everything is the MOST IMPORTANT protection against developing depression at times of stress.  On the other hand, difficulties in the relationship between two people is one of the most common causes of depression.  The following outline is a simple but very…

  • What is Depression or Depressive Illness?

    We use the term “depression” in normal conversation to describe distress or unhappiness following an unpleasant event that has happened to us.  This depression is a perfectly normal response of course, is usually short-lived, and usually resolves rapidly, without the need for any specific treatment. In contrast, depressive illness, is a much more severe and prolonged condition, with…

  • Stopping Arguments

    Whether associated with depression or not, arguments between people are a huge source of distress in our lives.  At the same time, arguing is a normal part of human existence, but I hope the following tips will minimise the distress to those involved. Keep your voice down, everybody! Our instinctive response in arguments is to…

  • The Perils of Perfectionism

    Being a perfectionist, or what psychiatrists call obsessional, is a double-edged sword in our society.  Many competitive situations require hours of effort and near perfect ability, whether it be playing a musical instrument in public, or getting into highly sought after university courses.  But perfectionism is often associated with stress, irritability, personal inflexibility and a…